Recycling Tips for America Recycles Day
Today, November 15, is America Recycles Day, a day devoted to encouraging US citizens to recycle more waste and buy more recycled products in hopes of creating a greener American economy.
Started by non-profit advocacy organization National Recycling Coalition in 1997, America Recycles Day has been managed by Keep America Beautiful (the guys behind the famous crying Indian commercial) since 2009, and has grown to include thousands of events held across the country. Their #1 purpose? Preventing litter, reducing waste, and keeping our communities beautiful.
Here are a few interesting facts about recycling in the US, courtesy of Wikipedia:
- 251 million – tons of trash in the United States
- 53.4 – percentage of all paper products recycled in the United States
- 32.5 – percentage of total waste recycled in the United States
- 100 – approximate percentage of increase in total recycling in the United States during the past decade
- 95 – percentage of energy saved by recycling an aluminum can, compared with manufacturing a new one
- 4.6 – pounds of trash per person per day in the United States (most in the world)
- 1.5 – pounds of recycled materials per person per day in the United States
Here are a few ways you can do your part on America Recycles Day to make the USA a bit greener:
1) Go to the ARD website, enter your zip code and Join An Event in your community. In the area near our home, for instance, we were able to locate more than a dozen different events ranging from Aluminum Can Round-ups benefitting local schools to Metal and Electronics Recycling offered by the City of Kennesaw.
2) Visit the Earth911 site to learn ways to dispose of unusual household products ranging from paint thinner and used batteries to broken computers and cell phones. Many common household items contain horrible chemicals that seep into the ground and contaminate a community’s drinking water, but Earth911 can help you locate a place to recycle them safely.
3) Got something to get rid of that others might be able to use? Goodwill will take just about anything you’re willing to donate. But if you don’t want to deal with the trouble of loading, driving, etc. we recommend Freecycle. There, you can list just about anything (we’ve gotten rid of mirrors, children’s playset, old toys and more) and people will come pick it up!
4) Make it a point to buy products made from recycled materials. Do research online to find companies that specialize in eco-friendly items, including Alchemy Goods, Ecoist, Eco-Artware.com, Greenandmore.com, and TerraCycle, Inc. Make sure you money is going to companies that believe in and support the development of a green economy.
5) Start composting! It’s remarkably easy, reduces landfill waste, and it’s better for your flowers and home garden. See our Go Green Tip below for tips on how to get started. –Bret Love
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