The Flightless Cormorant, also known as the Galapagos Cormorant, is one of the world’s rarest bird species, with less than a 1000 estimated to remain in existence.
They’re found only on the islands of Fernandina and Isabela, where you frequently see them diving down deep into the ocean in search of prey.
We were extremely fortunate to witness a rare Flightless Cormorant mating dance during our morning on Fernandina Island and, in the process, learned a lot about these extremely unusual birds. Hope you enjoy!
READ MORE: Galapagos Birds: 25 Spectacular Species You Can See on a Galapagos Cruise
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DAY 1- Photo Gallery: San Cristobal, Kicker Rock & Genovesa
DAY 2- Photo Gallery: Genovesa Island & Fernandina Island
DAY 3- Photo Gallery: Isabela Island & Santiago Island
DAY 4- Photo Gallery: North Seymour Island & Bartolome Island